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(영문 글쓰기) Reflection; Reflections on my career My professional journey started from my major at a university. I was majoring in Business and Administration so I had to learn all of business. Along the way, I realised that I was good at number. I was superior at Accounting, Tax, Statistics and Economics compared to other subjects. Above all, I enjoyed them. That was when I made up my mind to be an accountant. As long as I was going to be an a.. 더보기
(영문 글쓰기) Research Report; Auditing in private sector and public sector in New Zealand A few years ago, accounting fraud scandals by Enron Corp. and WorldCom Inc. happened in the USA. The accounting scandals shed a new light on audits so auditing restrictions were reinforced by Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 in the USA, as Barnes and Barnes (2012) pointed out. The stricter regulations of auditing parallel around the world. In the aftermath, non-profit organisations were also pressured.. 더보기
(영문 글쓰기) Essay; The world is getting better? Earth has amazing history. The human race is alongside of our planet. People are astonished at how much things have changed. In some’s eyes, the world is getting worse while, in others’ eyes, the world is getting better. Norberg, especially in his book 「Progress」, states “life on earth has never been as good for as many people as it is right now” (as cited in Black, 2018, p. 1). This essay will .. 더보기
(영문 글쓰기) Essay; To what extent do you consider English to be a “killer” language? English is the most prevalent around the world. Each nation has its own national language and particularly in China having the largest number of population, Chinese is used. In spite of it, English is used as a global common language when each other’s languages are different. As a reason for this, some claims that English is a “killer” language. It is important to know where English power comes .. 더보기
(영문 글쓰기) Essay; How outside factors might influence intelligence The human race has been very curious about the brain for a long time. There have been many studies on the brain such as whether intelligence has some connection with the size of brain, comparison of human brain with other species, what influences intelligence, whether intelligence is inborn, and so on. It will be useful to know how intelligence is determined when it comes to the risk that a chil.. 더보기
(영문 글쓰기) Essay; Major symptoms of potential heart failure and the reasons for these symptoms In this busy modern society, people are likely to have unhealthy habits. Apparently, it may commonly lead to heart trouble and some could result in death or serious heart disease. There are many symptoms that may indicate heart problem so people need to know. This essay will describe some major symptoms relevant to heart failure and give information about the reasons for these symptoms. Extreme .. 더보기
나를 나에게 들킨 느낌 2020년 8월 14일. 그 날의 내 상태는 생각이 생각을 낳고, 마음은 첩첩산중이고 오리무중이었다. 그럴 때 쓰는 처방전이 있다 하여 한번 해보았다. 그것은 '나와의 대화'. 너무도 솔직한 대화에 깜짝 놀람과 동시에 내가 나 스스로에게조차 솔직하지 못했다는 것을 새삼 알게 됐다. 이 대화를 옮겨 적으려니 지금 내 얼굴은 붉게 달아올랐다. 나: 나 나이 마흔이야. 여기 뉴질랜드에 정착하려면 정규직이 필요해. 내가 1년 반 안에 정규직으로 취업할 수 있을지 확신이 없어. 자신감이 차오르다가도 이번처럼 이런 일을 겪으면 확 꺾여버려. 또 다른 나: 일단 너 나이 마흔에 타국에 와서 2년 동안 공부한 거, 그것도 애들 돌보면서 한 거 진짜 잘한 거야. 그거 먼저 축하해줄게. 그리고 1년 반 남았다 했지? 너 .. 더보기
(영문 글쓰기) Essay; Technology and Intelligence Many people have portable devices that can access easily to the Internet at any moment. They can use their smart phones, for example, even when they take a rest or move around. It is undeniable that this has had many benefits, like convenience and speediness. However it also can cause a number of problems. This essay will outline some of the negative aspects of using technology and also offer so.. 더보기